Hi Friend!
With the 2024 Summer Olympics coming to a close, it has been SO inspiring to see the athletes perform, hear their stories, learn about their teammates and families, and be inspired to a whole new level!
With many of us facing some of our own "at home" finish line challenges, I thought it would be fun to write a bit about things we can learn from these incredible athletes.
First of all, without a great team behind you, and with you, it can be a lonely road trying to get a home project accomplished. These athletes really lean into their support systems, and you should too! Trust me, you don't want to feel like you are in the lane where the current is against you!
Before you commit to any home project, you first of all need to: GET STARTED! I know, it can seem daunting, right? But place yourself at the start line, and the only way to move forward is well, to actually start moving!
There will ALWAYS be obstacles. I have them, too! Trust me, my life is not perfect! Some obstacles can be:
*Lack of time
*People /trades don't call you back
*You and your partner/spouse don't have the same schedule or ideas of priorities
*Weather hindrances
*Trying to balance it all
Well, the first way to get started is to get some inspiration. Gather samples, create a vision/inspiration board, whatever it takes! Many times, my clients call me and they've already done at least a little legwork on likes and don't likes.
I am currently working on my own backyard area. It looked rather horrid when we move in, and gradually, we hired a good lawn company, started painting our separate garage, and started making plans. I created my own board with ideas. The final product may be tweaked a little, but hey, it gives me a start! You can create with by cutting and pasting, or you can use my services to create a plan!
Here's my Vision Board for our backyard.
So far, we have 95% of the garage painted (then came the heat and the weather). We have ordered in a hammock, and we have a tree, lol. You can create your own list as I did below:
Project List:
Some of your own projects may include the need for window treatments, curtains, shades, etc.
Or, maybe you need to get a new look/room refresh with some updated color:
Maybe you need some new furniture or need to get new finishes for kitchen or bathroom:
Soooo, instead of just thinking about it, just start taking those baby steps forward!
I know I was SO inspired by all the athletes, and as much as the ladies' gymnastics will always be a fav of mine, the men's this time just put me over the top! Love the teamwork for them to win their medals!
So, although it may feel like a LOT to balance and figure out, home projects are always less daunting when you start with at least a rough plan, get your feet (and brain) moving forward, and get going. I am here to help you along the way. I know best ways to use your money wisely. It is SO much fun to get yourself moving.
We all fall, or stumble but there are SO many great reasons to get back up. I'm rooting for you! You've got this!
And when you cross the finish line for your home project, well, look back on the team that got you there, the ones who have your back, and it will be GLORIOUS!