Hi friend!
I know we are headed into the busy holiday season,
But, shhh - don't tell -- I have a few ways to help you elevate your home slightly ahead of time :) - and hopefully, help you breathe just a little easier.
So here are some EASY and TRANSFORMATIONAL home aesthetics to better prepare for the holidays.
Curb Appeal - Place some mums or potted plants on your porch. They show well from the road. Bright colors do great). Mums can come back, or you can toss them when they die.

Refresh or repaint your front door. This can immediately improve the look and increase your home value. Personally, we are currently repainting our separate 2 car garage and the door. It looks so amazing already! Plus, re-topping your driveway will help give your home a fresh "newness," plus winterize and weather proof!
New Kitchen (or bathroom) Backsplash - A new backsplash can really be a gamechanger for a kitchen/bathroom - and can be budget friendly. An updated backsplash can really lighten and brighten. In time for company! If you start the process….now. Here’s a pic of a recent client home where I was able to help them make selections for their kitchen. A backsplash doesn't take the time an entire remodel can take, yet can completely re-make a kitchen.
Cleared off countertops and Coffee/Dessert Station - Put your meds put away in med cabinet, coffee essentials tidy and organized, adding some topping options for fun! Trays can be set out with snacks. Be sure to give your fridge a good cleanout, also!
Creating “stations” or areas for family when they come in, whether for a day, or longer can streamline your processes and also create a sense of warmth and intention. We often create a dessert station, too, at our house when we have gatherings. But there are also game stations, snack stations, etc.
Storage and organization - elevates your home tremendously, giving both perceived and true increased home value. I also helps prepares you for the holidays. Buy baskets, install extra shelving, pull everything out, put back in in order. You can do this in just a few hours. I did mine in 30 minutes increments per area. Labels help make sense of everything, plus it looks amazing!
Updated Lighting. A major problem I see in client homes is either 1) lighting that’s dated and 2) not enough lighting. Some of the worst things I see are lights that are boring "builder grade" upon entering, or too small. Or dining room lighting that needs a ‘facelift.”
Here’s a before and after of some dining room lighting that really helped things along.
As you can see, the "before" had a builder grade small chandelier.

Upgraded light fixture below:
As an Intentional Living Designer, I often help my clients break down their “overwhelm” by picking anywhere from one to a few things to focus on. Ask yourself “what would really make me feel better about _____(this space, this area, etc.)” Then zero in on it. Make the task shopping list and make some check boxes to check off. Break it down into smaller time segments.
Call in a pro if you need help on your projects. I'm here to help you create spaces that speak of you, plus show you how to break the process down!
I'm now offering Holiday decor, tablescape, and front porch decor services for the holidays. SO, if you need a little help - give me a jingle. Now's the time to get started if you have not yet purchased your decorating goodies.
It's been a busy past few months for me, and I'm sure you are busy, too - but let's keep in touch!
Blessings to you and yours,
